

Once again, reference photos have come in very handy when trying to model this flak jacket. From the 'pose' photo I can see that there is an important couple of details that may or may not relate to the specific soldier I am modelling, but as they are in his photos they will be on my sculpt; these details include a pen and a brush, which I assume was for cleaning his rifle. In the photos you can see that they are white compared to the plasticine, this is due to the fact they are made from FIMO which is a type of clay that can be hardened in the oven.
The flak jacket and details like the pouches a pips needed to be done before I modelled the arms as it was easier to get to. Above: You can see the basic flak jacket cut out as a flat sheet with the minimal of details placed over the figure like a tabard with the additional front chest piece added after. Below: You can see strapping that I started to add, also note the little dent-type creases in the jacket and pouches that help to give the sculpture some life.

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